Blueland and Babies

Blueland and Babies

Sarah Paiji Yoo is the co-founder and CEO of Blueland, a company on a mission to reimagine everyday household products to eliminate single-use plastic. (We LOVE Blueland and use their products in our homes and office). Sarah is also a mom and Esembly user. We had the honor of chatting with her about how she balances motherhood with building a business.

Esembly: We know that you're an amazing business-owner, when did you become a parent?

Sarah Paiji Yoo: I became a mom 4 years ago. My first son Noah is a toddler now and I gave birth to my second son, Colin during quarantine who’s 9 months old. It’s definitely been incredibly difficult at times, but becoming a mom has changed everything for the better - from my outlook on what’s important, my relationship with work, and how I take on and process both challenges as well as opportunities.


E: Congratulations! I'm sure everyone would like to know, how have you personally managed to maintain a low-waste lifestyle with 2 small children?
S: I've done it by really focusing on progress over perfection. I try my best to do what I can for the planet in my day-to-day life and have dedicated my life to building a business focused on eliminating single-use plastic, but I am also not hard on myself when I have to make tradeoffs. 
I mix cloth diapers with disposable diapers, I order takeout that does unfortunately come in plastic packaging, we buy pint ice cream that comes in non-recyclable cartons. The reality is I am a busy mom who is also managing my own business and caring for two young children during a pandemic, and I have to be understanding that it's okay to give myself some slack.

E: We hear you there! Speaking of your business, Blueland has gained such an amazing following. Can you tell us a little bit about growing this business and why you think it resonates with so many?
I think it's because generally people have really good intentions and are interested in doing their part for the planet. And Blueland is so much more than just a cleaning products company - we're really focused on making it easy for everyone to be more environmentally responsible. This can be through the cleaning products they use, or through easy changes they can make in their day-to-day lives.  

E: What was the driving force behind your decision to cloth diaper?
S: I want to create a cleaner future for my boys and future generations. It was a no brainer for me to try to use cloth diapers as much as I can.   

E: And what initially drew you to Esembly? 
S: The 2-part diaper - it's genius! These are truly leak proof! Plus I love all the cute designs of the waterproof Outers.

E: As parents we are setting an example for our children just by living our daily lives. What is something you want your child to remember about you?
S: That I was passionate and relentless because I truly did believe that each of us does have the ability to make a positive difference in this world.
