Top 10 Reasons to Switch to Cloth Diapers

Top 10 Reasons to Switch to Cloth Diapers

Welcome to our cloth diapering corner of the internet. A place that might be a bit different than you expected! Here there’s no harsh judgments or outdated instructions, just fellow busy parents who know a whole lot about cloth diapering and would love nothing more than for more families to consider this sustainable choice with an open mind. 🙂 (Because in case you hadn’t heard, cloth diapering with Esembly really can be as easy as a few extra loads of laundry a week! 👀)

Cloth diapers are a great way to help you feel empowered in knowing you’re doing something amazing at each diaper change (for your family, your wallet, and our planet!) And even better – there are so many other benefits that can have an even bigger impact. In this blog post, we’re sharing our top 10 of our favorite reasons to cloth diaper your little one, and just a few of the ways you can benefit from this sustainable choice! 

1. Save over $2000 when you Cloth Diaper!

We’ve done the math and found that cloth diapering with Esembly can save a family approx $2,000 PER BABY. Because after your purchase of diapers and wipes, your only recurring costs are running laundry twice per week and a bag of Washing Powder every other month. 

Even better: we did these calculations in early 2021. The cost of disposables has risen 14% since then so the amount you’ll save with Esembly is even greater. Consider our diapers inflation-proof. You buy them once then you’re done! Doesn’t matter if costs go up cause you’re set! 

2. No Diaper Blowouts with Esembly Diapers

Not sure what a diaper blowout is?? …Are you ready for it? Brace yourself. A blowout is when poop explodes out of the diaper in a very big way. 😬  Disposables are notorious for this. But not our Esembly diapers; they’re blowout-proof! That liquidy, forceful newborn poop is simply no match for our 2 part diapers. If any mess is to sneak past the cotton Inner (this is our “fitted diaper” and creates all the absorbency needed) it will be caught by the waterproof Outer (this is our “diaper cover” that keeps everything contained) sparing you that whole “poop shooting up the back into the baby’s hair” sorta thing that so many parents deal with. 😅

3. Keep 6,500+ Disposable Diapers out of the Trash

There are 11 million diaper aged babies in the US. And each one is using, on average, 57 diapers per week. This adds up to a whopping 32 BILLION disposables being thrown away each year in this country alone. 😖 Not surprisingly, the US is the largest producer of Municipal Solid Waste and disposable diapers make up approximately 30% of our non-biodegradable waste. That means billions of diapers that babies wear for a few hours sit in a landfill for CENTURIES! 

With Esembly, you need only 44 diapers from birth through potty training. And those same diapers can be passed down to future babies, friends, family. So that’s, 44 Esembly diapers to diaper multiple babies vs 6,500 disposables to diaper just one baby.🤯

4. Earlier Potty Training when you Cloth Diaper

When we were preparing to launch our diaper service in NYC in 2009 we wrote the business plan assuming we would keep our service families for 3 years (since 36 months was the average potty training age in the US). Well, we realized in those first few years that we were wrong. Our service babies were all potty training around 2 years old, not 3. And that trend continues with our Esembly babies (most of whom potty training between 23-26 months).

In the 14 years that we’ve been working in this wonderful cloth diapering world, the average age that babies are potty training out of our diapers is 25 months. That’s 11 months less of diapering than if you were to choose disposables!

For more on potty training with Esembly diapers, check out this blog post

5. Less Incidence of Diaper Rash

Babies in cloth tend to suffer from far LESS diaper rash than babies in disposables because their skin is exposed to less chemicals and ingredients when using simple organic cotton.

In fact, we’ve worked with many families of babies with eczema and even psoriasis who are encouraged to switch to cloth by their pediatricians to help the skin.

6. Just 2 Loads of Laundry per Week with Cloth Diapers

We spent over a decade washing (literally) millions of diapers at our busy New York City diaper laundering service prior to launching Esembly. Now we’ve baked all that knowledge and expertise into an incredibly simple 2-cycle routine you can follow twice a week at home, and a Washing Powder that was specifically formulated (and patented) to power clean dirty diapers! (Fun fact: it’s the only detergent that is specifically formulated and patented to power clean dirty diapers! You can read more about this here:

7. Cloth Diapers Can Be Saved and Used for Future Siblings

We know, having more kids doesn’t generally equate to saving more money, but in the case of cloth diapers it does! Esembly cloth diapers are made to last. When well cared for they can diaper one, two or even three babies! So if you set aside your stash from baby number one and use them for baby number two, you can save an additional $2,800 (your only diaper cost for baby # 2 is cloth wipes wash and laundry detergent).

No future babies in your plan? No worries! Go ahead and resell your Esembly diapers on our PreLoved marketplace and earn back some of that money you invested on them! Well cared for Esembly diapers have excellent resale value (especially Limited Edition prints that are no longer available new!)

8. Only THE BEST Materials Touching Your Baby's Skin

Your baby is going to be wearing diapers consistently for the first few years of their life. Think about it, what would you rather be swaddled up in 24/7 for 2+ years? Organic cotton, or sodium polyacrylate, wood pulp fiber, and plastic? (We’ll take the cotton, please!) Our diapers are super-soft, highly absorbent, and totally breathable - keeping your baby nice and comfy.

9. Cloth Diapering is Easier Than You Think!

With the right products and the right instructions, cloth diapering really can be as easy as 2 extra loads of laundry a week. We don’t ask that you install a toilet sprayer in your bathroom, or go to any crazy lengths to cater your changing station to cloth diapers… it’s really just as simple as instead of tossing away a disposable diaper, you toss a reusable one into your Pail Pouch until washing day. (because as mentioned, you can use our 2-cycle routine and specially formulated Washing Powder to cut through all the noise you can find online about how to clean cloth diapers! 😅)

10. They Are So Cute!

We have yet to see anything cuter than a sweet newborn baby with a plushy cloth booty! Our in-house design team has created some of our best-selling and beloved colors and prints, and we’ve also worked with some incredibly talented artists on limited-edition prints that are absolutely ADORABLE if you ask us! (and with cloth diapers, who even needs pants when your booty is that cute?)

And Don’t Forget…

Cloth diapering is not an all-or-nothing commitment; it's about making choices that work for your family and the planet. Last year, Esembly families collectively prevented nearly 30 million diapers from ending up in landfills. Not everyone embraced full-time cloth diapering, but together, we made a significant impact! This goes to show that no act is too small when it comes to contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable future for our planet. Whether you choose full-time or part-time cloth diapering, you're playing a crucial role in making a positive difference, and that's something to be proud of!


Want to learn more?

Our co-founders host a free, virtual, Cloth Diapering 101 class every month to help cloth-curious parents get all the tools and information they need! You’ll learn:

  • How to use the Esembly diapers and accessories 
  • How to easily and effectively launder your Esembly diapers
  • The impact that your choice has on the planet, your wallet, and your day-to-day. 

You'll leave with the confidence to Live Less Disposably and a 20% discount code to use on your first order. 🥳 We hope to see you there!

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