Just the words “cloth diapering” can bring up lots of opinions, some big questions, and some even bigger myths and misconceptions.
Will you have time to cloth diaper?
Is the poop just too gross?
Is it really sanitary?
It's perfectly normal to have concerns — most parents do! But let's take a step back and break it all down. In this post, we’re tackling some of the most common myths and misconceptions surrounding cloth diapering. With the wealth of knowledge gained from our team of mamas — each with first hand experience cloth diapering in today’s world — and after helping tens of thousands of families through our cloth diaper laundry service, we’re here to share the facts so you can make an informed decision that feels right for your family. Let’s explore some common concerns, and the facts, together!
Is it gross to wash cloth diapers in the same machine as my regular clothes?
We get this question A LOT. And as moms who have cloth diapered our own kiddos, we can personally assure you, the rest of your laundry and your washing machine will be perfectly fine 😊 Think about it this way: if the inside of your washing machine is dirty after washing your diapers, what does that say about the state of your diapers?
Also, remember that where there is baby, there is poop. If your baby were wearing disposable diapers, which are notorious for blowouts, you will still be washing clothing and bedding that is soiled with pee and poo!
Our recommended wash routine (step by step instructions can be found here: The Complete Guide to Washing Your Cloth Diapers at Home) will ensure that both your diapers AND washing machine are sparkling clean at the end of the cycle. The warm water with the first wash cycle helps the natural fibers in the cotton open up and release the superficial layers of soil preparing the fabric for the second cycle which power cleans deep down to the core of the diaper.

But what about the poop? How do I handle poop and cloth diapers?
We know, we know - what about the poop?! Rest assured, while your baby is on a milk-only diet (breastmilk or formula), ALL soiled diapers (both the pee AND poopy ones) can simply get tossed right into your Pail Pouch. No pretreatment necessary. And it might sound crazy, but trust us - as long as you’re washing per our instructions with a powerful detergent (like our Washing Powder), your machine can easily handle that new baby waste, leaving you with diapers AND a washer that are both sparkling clean ✨
Once your baby starts solid foods and you notice a change in the consistency of the poop, you'll want to start removing it from the diaper before laundering. Our Tossers or Stay-Dry Liners are recommended at this stage; they’re arguably the easiest and cleanest way to remove the poop from the diaper while preventing the cloth diaper stains that can come with certain foods (hello blueberries!).
FYI: No rinsing, dunking, or diaper sprayers are required for cloth diapering with Esembly! You can read more about why we advise against these practices this in this blog post. (and what we recommend doing instead!)

Being a new parent is hard enough - how will I find time to wash cloth diapers every day?
As busy mamas ourselves, we know that daily laundry on top of everything else you have going on is just not feasible. That’s why we designed our cloth diaper system to be washed 2-3 times a week instead! With our step-by-step cloth diaper washing instructions and our patented cloth diaper detergent, cloth diapering is as easy as 2 extra loads of laundry a week!
Every 2 - 3 days, you’ll take your Pail Pouch full of dirty diapers to your laundry room to run our simple 2-cycle routine. (here’s those instructions again!) After that, you can toss everything in your dryer, resting easy knowing that ALL Esembly textiles are designed* to be washed and dried together.
And as far as diaper changes go, we promise the learning curve is no greater than disposables. And since you won’t have to worry about blow-outs with our Esembly diapers (they’re blowout proof!) you’ll never even have to worry about the messiest of diaper changes… think poop shooting up and out the back of a disposable and into the baby’s hair! 😬 (check out this blowout story from when our co-founder tapped in disposables for “convenience” 😅)
*We come from an industrial laundry background and put our chosen materials through the wringer before approving them. All of our textiles can withstand the hot water, heavy duty wash cycles and a tumble in a hot dryer. Additionally, all of our materials are colorfast so they will not bleed when washed together (meaning YES it is perfectly okay to put your forest green Outer in with your Inners!) All this care and consideration makes laundering your Esembly diapers easy peasy.

Are cloth diapers really absorbent enough? Do I need to change my baby more often with cloth diapers?
Ask any pediatrician, midwife or OB and they will tell you that when baby is awake, you should change their diaper every 2-3 hours or immediately if poop is detected. The general rule of thumb is to change baby every time you feed baby. This rule applies to babies in disposables AND cloth. Our organic cotton diapers are perfectly absorbent enough to get you through those regular change intervals. At night when baby is sleeping 6+ hours stretches, we recommend boosting absorbency with an Esembly Overnighter* or two.
*The Overnighters consist of a thick pad constructed from 8 layers of absorbent organic cotton, topped with a layer of "stay-dry" recycled fleece. The fleece allows moisture to pass through into the cotton while maintaining a dry sensation, which is great for keeping your baby feeling comfy and dry all night long!
Check out this blog post to learn more about how to use our Overnighters and other liner options.
Do cloth diapers leak?
Another common misconception is that cloth diapers leak more than disposables. But the truth is that it’s quite the opposite! Disposables are designed to be worn for just a few hours and then thrown away. Which means that the cheap, flimsy elastics at the legs and waist are no match for that forceful and persistent baby poo! Think of your diapers like you do your dishware (😂). Would you trust a Dixie paper plate with a burger, coleslaw and baked beans on your white summer dress? Or would you feel safer with an actual dish? Our Esembly cloth diapers are designed as functional apparel. The elastics and materials are all top quality and are sewn in for maximum containment. So go ahead and diaper your babe and lay them on your ecru linen duvet for a photoshoot! 🤩 Just keep these simple tips in mind:
- Be sure to change the diaper every 2 - 4 hours or immediately if poop is detected (or boost absorbency with our Overnighters for those longer sleep stretches!)
- Check to make sure no sneaky cotton from the Inner (the organic cotton fitted diaper part of the Esembly system) is poking out past the Outer (this is our waterproof diaper cover that keeps everything contained)
- Ensure cloth diapers are the correct size for your baby*
- Make sure that any skincare products you use with your cloth diapers are cloth-friendly. Using skincare products that are not cloth friendly can lead to greasy build-up on your diapers, which will cause them to no longer be absorbent. And as you might have guessed, lack of absorbency = leaky diapers! So make sure whatever you plan to use is cloth-friendly by checking out this blog post! (We recommended our Rash Relief Cream and Everyday Balm as both are guaranteed to wash out of your cloth diapers)
By following these tips, you can confidently say goodbye to leaks!
*Our Inners (aka organic cotton fitted diapers) and Outers (aka waterproof diaper covers) come in 2 sizes. Size 1 fits babies from approximately 7-17lbs, and Size 2 fits babies from approximately 18-potty training. We say "approx" because these are estimates. Depending on their body type, some babies might move from Size 1 to 2 at 15 lbs, whereas others will linger till 19 lbs. We recommend paying more attention to fit than weight when knowing when to move up in size.
For more fit tips, be sure to check out this blog post.

I've heard it takes so much water to wash cloth diapers that they aren't any better for the earth than disposables.
This is one of our least favorite myths because it is simply NOT TRUE! When we ran our diaper service we washed over 15,000 diapers a week and our water bill was not very high.
Here’s the skinny: when washing your diapers twice a week as per our instructions, the amount of water you'll use is equivalent to a handful of toilet flushes per day. Which is something your baby will be doing once potty trained anyhow! So by cloth diapering and washing responsibly you are using no more water than adding another family to your household (which you are doing anyhow!).
We calculated this by taking the average number of gallons used per cycle in a standard top loader and a HE front loader, multiplying it by 4 (2 cycles per wash, 2 washes per week) then dividing it by the average # of gallons per toilet flush. As an added bonus, go ahead and toss some of your regular household laundry* in with your diapers to maximize the water and energy used during the wash and dry process!
*When adding non-diaper items to your diaper load make sure to never fill the washer barrel more than 2/3 (diapers need room to move to get clean) and only throw in items that are colorfast and can handle the hot water and heavy-duty agitation.
Will the cloth diapers be bulky? Will I need to size up my baby's clothing if cloth diapering?
Most definitely not! Our Esembly diapers are the trimmest natural fiber cloth diapers out there. As long as your baby’s clothing has a bit of stretch to it, there is absolutely no need to size up. And let's be honest, there is nothing cuter than a poofy cloth booty on a baby!
Consider these cloth diaper myths, busted!
So how do you feel about cloth diapering now? Cloth diapering doesn’t have to be tricky or intimidating! By addressing these myths together, we hope you feel more informed and reassured. Cloth diapering can be a simple, rewarding choice that fits right into your routine. It’s a bit like learning anything new — once you get the hang of it, it feels natural. Whether you’re just exploring the idea or already diving in, remember, you’re not alone. We’re here to support you every step of the way, and you’ll be amazed at how smoothly it can go. You’ve got this, and we’re cheering you on!

Want to learn more?
Our co-founders host a free, virtual, Cloth Diapering 101 class every month to help cloth-curious parents get all the tools and information they need! You’ll learn:
- How to use the Esembly diapers and accessories
- How to easily and effectively launder your Esembly diapers
- The impact that your choice has on the planet, your wallet, and your day-to-day.
You'll leave with the confidence to Live Less Disposably and a 20% discount code to use on your first order. 🥳 We hope to see you there!